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Happy 50th Birthday Ponzi Vineyards

Wine Writer Andrew Chalk had the opportunity to learn about Ponzi Vineyards’ history directly from founder Dick Ponzi, Winemaker Luisa Ponzi and President Maria Ponzi when they visited Texas last month. He’s shared highlights of their conversation on The Chalk Report – from the early days in the ’70s to detailing how Luisa and Maria continue to keep the winery on the forefront – along with tasting notes from an extremely rare library tasting. In addition to treasures from the past, he had the opportunity to taste the 2015 Chardonnay Reserve and 2016 Pinot Noir Reserve. Read the full write up and tasting notes HERE

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    Ponzi Vineyards

    Chehalem Mountain AVA, Willamette Valley, Oregon

    Dick and Nancy Ponzi helped put Oregon on the wine map, and the Ponzi family has worked continuously for over 50 years leading and innovating in the region and, in the case of Pinot Noir, across the country and indeed the world. Today winemaker Luisa Ponzi continues her work with the family of Champagne Bollinger, which acquired the estate in 2021.