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Lucien Le Moine Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru “Les Amoureuses” 2016 Label

File Upload Date

December 12, 2018


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    Lucien Le Moine

    Lucien Le Moine Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru “Les Amoureuses” 2016

    Chambolle-Musigny 1er Cru “Les Amoureuses”

    This esteemed vineyard bordering Musigny and Clos de Vougeot regularly produces one of Lucien Le Moine’s most celebrated wines. Mounir says that the vineyard parcel from which his wine comes from has roots that go deep into the rocks, and the wine can be described as one with a lot of minerality, but with very little tannin or acidity, and notably a character of a very limited attack that draws out to an incredibly persistent finish.

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    Lucien Le Moine

    Burgundy, France

    In two decades of work, Lucien Le Moine has become one of the most talked about Burgundy producers, making some of the most sought after wines from the region.  The approach is extreme – two people, together doing everything by hand, working with a dazzling array of Burgundy’s great terroirs.