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You Have the Founding Mothers of Champagne to Thank for the Bubbly You Drink Today

January 11, 2022

Town & Country wanted to remind readers that strong women are behind many of the top champagnes we enjoy today! Champagne Bollinger legend Lily Bollinger is among the women honored for her shrewd marketing and brand innovations, such as R.D. 2007.

The piece provides background on how she found herself in charge of Champagne Bollinger, following the death of her husband Jacques Bollinger in the height of WWII. Writer Lauren Hubbard says, “she raised the international profile of the house and introduced a new style of champagne to the market.” The piece provides a great overview of the origins of R.D. and credits Madame Bollinger for releasing to the public for the first time “what would become one of the house’s signature styles.”

Of course, we can’t speak about Madame Bollinger without noting her now famous quote from 1961 shared in The Daily Mail, “I drink Champagne when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it obligatory. I trifle with it if I’m not hungry and drink it when I am. Otherwise, I never touch it—unless I’m thirsty.” Read the full story HERE

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    Champagne Bollinger

    Champagne Bollinger R.D. 2007

    Champagne, France

    A small revolution in the world of Champagne. In 1967, Bollinger releases R.D. 1952.  There is no comparable Champagne on the market at the time. This bold and brilliant Champagne takes the pillars of what makes Champagne Bollinger so unique, and pushes them to their ultimate level. It is, very simply, a masterpiece.

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    Champagne Bollinger

    Champagne, France

    Bollinger is one of the rare Grande Marques that’s still family owned. Known for its rich, elegant and polished style of Champagne, their outstanding wines are the result of rigorous attention to detail and incredibly labor-intensive practices that few houses are willing to undertake. Underscoring its excellence, Bollinger has remained British secret agent James Bond's Champagne of choice since 1973.