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Holiday Hunt: INDULGE editors weigh in on must-have gifts to make the season bright

December 14, 2020

The Miami Herald’s luxury INDULGE publication selected Champagne Bollinger Special Cuveé 007 Limited Edition as one of the best gifts to give – especially if you have a secret agent or someone with incredibly good taste in wine in your life.

The recommendation offers historical background, explaining that “ever since Roger Moore ordered Champagne Bollinger on-screen in 1973’s Live and Let Die, the bubbly (or “Bolly,” as the Brits call it) has been featured in 14 James Bond films, making the spy and sparkler collaboration one of the longest and most successful of its kind.”

Poking fun at the current situation, the writer adds that this limited edition “is available for your loved one to sip while they ponder their next mission (tackling 2021). Favorite Bond actor or Bond girl not included.” See the full gift guide HERE

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    Champagne Bollinger

    Champagne Bollinger Special Cuvée NV

    Champagne, France

    From vineyard to bottling, Special Cuvée sees such an extraordinary level of care and attention, it is difficult to place within the non-vintage or, really, any Champagne category. It is a Champagne that stands apart. Within one bottle, all the complexity of flavour, texture and pleasure that Champagne can offer. Special Cuvée is truly a journey of devotion from Bollinger.

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    Champagne Bollinger

    Champagne, France

    Bollinger is one of the rare Grande Marques that’s still family owned. Known for its rich, elegant and polished style of Champagne, their outstanding wines are the result of rigorous attention to detail and incredibly labor-intensive practices that few houses are willing to undertake. Underscoring its excellence, Bollinger has remained British secret agent James Bond's Champagne of choice since 1973.