Telmo Rodriguez Pago la Jara Toro 2014 (95 WA)

“2014 was a homogeneous and reliable year in Toro, and the 2014 Pago La Jara reflected it. The wine was a little reticent and closed at first and took some time to open up. The palate was very elegant; in a way, it reminded me of the 2016 Gago I tasted next to it, balanced and with fine-grained tannins, supple and tasty. A wine that changed in the year 2012 toward a lot more freshness and a lot less oak, it seems to fly under the radar, but it’s very much worth it.”

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    Telmo Rodríguez

    Telmo Rodríguez Pago la Jara Toro 2014

    Toro, Spain

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